A count of attendance will take place at all Masses across the Diocese on 27th and 28th April 2024.
The Annual Parish Census captures valuable information about the numbers, ages, and gender of people attending Mass on this weekend.
This information helps the Diocese and parishes to identify pastoral priorities, make plans to address them, and deliver services to our faith communities.
When you arrive at Mass on the evening of 27th April or on the morning of 28th April, Parish volunteers will greet you at the entrance to the church and will explain what you have to do.
You will be given a small counter for yourself and for each person in your family group and will be asked to place the counters in baskets labelled according to age. There will be red counters for females and blue counters for males. The baskets will be labelled with age bands – 0 to 11 years; 12 to 18 years; 19 to 29 years; 30 to 39 years; and so on.
The number of counters for each age band will be recorded after each Mass.
Please share this information with members of the Parish who may not have access to Facebook or the Parish Website, ahead of the weekend.
We look forward to seeing you and thank you for your patience and co-operation.